Thursday 24 April 2014

Post 3 : The Earth from Above

“A wide-angle view of fragile Earth” is a TED talk by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a photographer. He talked about Ecology, and more specifically, about the Climate Change and how the human being have damaged the Earth. The talk shows pictures and videos to motivate the audience to take care about the problem.

First, Yann presents some pictures of different places of the planet: Alberta, Coral reef, North Pole, Kilimanjaro, Borneo, and others. All of them are in dangerous because the Climate Change is working.
Then, Yann shows his project “6 billion Others”, where he captured the voice of the people, related to one question: What is the most beautiful thing that happened in your life?

At the end, Yann shows the teaser of his movie “Home”, where he shows the state of the planet.

I enjoy this talk very much, because I related on this topic. Yann explains a lot of facts related to my occupation. Here is an example: He talked about the corn used to feed animals and do oil, meanwhile, one million people have not enough to eat. 

Thursday 10 April 2014

Post 2 : Writing about statistics

The land area in Chile is 756.096 km2. In this area, coexisted 3,23 millions of people in 1907. This number rose to 15,12 millions in 2002, without any decrease between this years. You can see a exponencial tendency  in Chart 1. So, the population increase 4,7 times along 20th century. 

PoblaciĆ³n total de Chile de acuerdo a los censos de 1907-2002
Chart 1. Population in Chile from 1907 to 2002 (from Memoria Chilena, 2013).

On the other hand, I’d like to compare Spain: a European country with 505.992 km2 of land area (about 200.00 km2 smallest than Chile). In 1990, the Spanish were 18.830.649 (6 times Chile’s population). After this year the increase was linear until 1980, when the growth's rate declined. At the end of 20th century, Spain has 40,8 millions of people, 2 times the population existing in 1990 (see Chart 2).

Chart 2. Population in Spain from 1900 to 2009 (from FundaciĆ³n BBVA, 2010).

As you can see, Spain is smallest than Chile in land area, but even in 1990 holds more people. The tendency is exponencial here, but in Spain (an oldest country) the growth’s rate is linear. This fact is actually a problem, because there is not young people who can replace the oldest. The government try to fix it, generating benefits to who’s had childs. In Chile, we’ll have this issue on the next years, as Chile will convert on a First World Country. 

Thursday 3 April 2014

A Self Introduction

Well, as a homework of the English Course, I'll write about me. I don't like to do this, but I must. So, what can I say? I was born in Santiago, Chile, and I have been living here all my life. After school, I studied a Bachelor in Sciences, at Universidad de Chile. Then, I studied Agronomy in the same university, but not in the same place :( .
As hobbies, I hate all the sports you can imagine (a lot). I like to spend time with my friends, cook anything sweet and practise yoga twice a week. I’m afraid of spiders and stairs (yeah, that thing you must climb to get the second floor). That's all!