Wednesday 27 August 2014

Post 3: The best concert ever

Hi, my dear bloggers. Today, I’ll write about the best concert I’ve ever attended. The decision was very difficult to me. Even, I’m still thinking about it, while I writing this.

I had to call one of my BFF, who have been my concert-partner at many events, and she gave me some advices. The criteria includes staging, emotion (once we cried!), known songs, kind people around us and the distance to the artist.

The winner is Babasónicos at Caupolicán Theatre, in december 2011. Caupolicán is two blocks from my house, so was easy to get early.  My friend and I bought field tickets; therefore, we stand close to the stage. First, Javiera Mena and Gepe played, as the supporting artists. We analysed her custom; it was really awful (see Picture 1).

 Picture 1. Javiera Mena and Gepe

Babasónicos is an argentine band compose by five musicians. Adrián Dárgelos is the singer (see Picture 2), and they play progressive rock. Once at the stage, they performed their last album at 2011: “A Propósito”, mixed with their most popular songs, like “Putita”, “Irresponsables”, “Carimático” and many others.

Picture 2. Adrián Dárgelos at concert (Caupolicán Theatre, december 2011)

It was a great experience; even we appeared in a photograph at (see Picture 3, the shirt of my friend is blue striped). The next Saturday, we’ll attend our second Babasónico’s concert. They’ll present their newest album “Romantisísmico”. Now, we recognize ourselves as fans, and we have waited by almost three years! 

Picture 3. My best friend and I, near the stage.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Post 2 : Food and Sustainability

Today, I’m going to review a Youtube video about permaculture: "7 Food Forests in 7 minutes with Geoff Lawton". He explains the food forest evolution, using 7 stages of development over time.

The establishment requires a soil well-conditioned (that’s why he plays with soil through the video), and the most important component for this achievement is organic matter. On the next stage, Geoff shows how annual plants have been growing and forming the winter cover. In the summer cover, the presenter finds nodules in the legumes roots, and plants are higher. After that, we can observe the first harvesting. Of course, on the next stage the annual plants are chopped, which will improve the soil quality. Since now, Geoff shows a complex community, where every plant contribute for the entire ecosystem.

I think this type of agriculture combines the best of agronomy and sustainability. Although, these yields probably cannot feed the world. So, people who have access to land, seeds and knowledge, have to incorporate permaculture in their lives, caring a better future for humanity. 

Friday 15 August 2014

Post 1: Another country that I'd like to visit

Hello everyone! This return on blogging merit a remembrance! This post is about travelling, again. Last time I said I would to visit Africa, but now, I’ll tell you about a nearest place.

I always have been attracted to Latin America and Caribbean. These countries have a similar history, because we are the “New World”. I especially curious about Guatemala. Guatemala has a great past, particularly before colonization. I want to visit Tikal, an ancient Capital of the maya civilization. Besides, the nature is wonderful: includes mangroves, forests and beaches. The most prized bird is the Quetzal (Figure 1).

I would like to meet the society, I’m wondering if guatemalans are more happy than chilean people. They lived three decades of a civil war! Also, architecture is special: you can find little colonial houses in Antigua Guatemala city.

I will travel to Guatemala as a tourist, but without a vacation package. I want to schedule my own places to visit (all nature I mentioned, and more!). 

Figure 1. Quetzal