Tuesday 19 August 2014

Post 2 : Food and Sustainability

Today, I’m going to review a Youtube video about permaculture: "7 Food Forests in 7 minutes with Geoff Lawton". He explains the food forest evolution, using 7 stages of development over time.

The establishment requires a soil well-conditioned (that’s why he plays with soil through the video), and the most important component for this achievement is organic matter. On the next stage, Geoff shows how annual plants have been growing and forming the winter cover. In the summer cover, the presenter finds nodules in the legumes roots, and plants are higher. After that, we can observe the first harvesting. Of course, on the next stage the annual plants are chopped, which will improve the soil quality. Since now, Geoff shows a complex community, where every plant contribute for the entire ecosystem.

I think this type of agriculture combines the best of agronomy and sustainability. Although, these yields probably cannot feed the world. So, people who have access to land, seeds and knowledge, have to incorporate permaculture in their lives, caring a better future for humanity. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion, these yields probably cannot feed the world but is a good idea for promoting the self-cultivation in cities.
