Thursday 16 October 2014

Post 9:Year 2014!

Hey Bloggers! It is time to do a recap of the year. If it not enough, I will analyse good and bad things. I will try to remember all of it. So, let us go! I will arrange my year chronologically.

First, I did my professional-practice at FAO in the summer, until February. That was great, because I get what I wanted. I had direct contact with small farmers, and their problems. Also, I met a looot of foreign people. A bad thing was that I had to do some boring tasks relate to politics: a lot of paperwork and hours sitting in front of a computer.

My boyfriend breaked-up with me at the end of February, but I have to say that I have made the most of my new status. Indeed, I have had a good year in this item!

March was great, because was my 25th birthday. I organised a camping with my best friends for a weekend. That is an achievement!

My year haven´t has really good in the University. I have not finished my thesis yet! But I over all the curses, at least. My last finish line is October 20th.

Recently, I travelled to Iquique with my friends. That is an achievement too, because we did many activities, including paragliding. I hate stairs, and I was afraid of it. I am proud of myself, because I flied! This gave me mental energy to succeed in this last part of the year. I promise to finish my thesis, that is all what I want!

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Post 8: Facebook

Sometimes, Facebook seems to be a demon. A huge strength which stops my life, getting me off from my duties, and even I forget my favourites activities.

So, why I cannot stop this? Let us find a reason, or many reasons. I only logging in Facebook on my laptop, not in my phone. I usually turn on my laptop to achieve some duty, related to University. Although I like my activities, it demands all my attention and it is exhausting. Then, I need a break. The easier form to distract me is Facebook. It contains all kind of information: friend’s agenda, beautiful pictures, jokes, breaking news, gossips, good songs, videos, etc. All comes from my friends, so it interesting to me! If I do not know about these things, my friends will talk in Chinese to me.

From last week, I started to log less in Facebook. I took mini-vacations, so I spend my time in more interesting things. It appear to be a good decision, because I do not miss anything sooo important. There is WhatsApp to maintain communication with my friends, and I can spend my break-time looking for other interesting information, like how to take better pictures with my camera.

I have to confess that I wanted to share some stuff, like my emotions about the trip, or today, when I found in Instagram a photo showing “Elevators are 5.800% safer than stairs”. It would be funny for my friends, because it justify my phobia to stairs. Then, I thought who cares about it? It will be funnier if I tell this fact, one by one, face to face. In addition, I will laugh with them. That is why I have friends, or not?