Wednesday 8 October 2014

Post 8: Facebook

Sometimes, Facebook seems to be a demon. A huge strength which stops my life, getting me off from my duties, and even I forget my favourites activities.

So, why I cannot stop this? Let us find a reason, or many reasons. I only logging in Facebook on my laptop, not in my phone. I usually turn on my laptop to achieve some duty, related to University. Although I like my activities, it demands all my attention and it is exhausting. Then, I need a break. The easier form to distract me is Facebook. It contains all kind of information: friend’s agenda, beautiful pictures, jokes, breaking news, gossips, good songs, videos, etc. All comes from my friends, so it interesting to me! If I do not know about these things, my friends will talk in Chinese to me.

From last week, I started to log less in Facebook. I took mini-vacations, so I spend my time in more interesting things. It appear to be a good decision, because I do not miss anything sooo important. There is WhatsApp to maintain communication with my friends, and I can spend my break-time looking for other interesting information, like how to take better pictures with my camera.

I have to confess that I wanted to share some stuff, like my emotions about the trip, or today, when I found in Instagram a photo showing “Elevators are 5.800% safer than stairs”. It would be funny for my friends, because it justify my phobia to stairs. Then, I thought who cares about it? It will be funnier if I tell this fact, one by one, face to face. In addition, I will laugh with them. That is why I have friends, or not?

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