Thursday 29 May 2014

Post 7 : Your favourite film

Hi everyone! I’d like to write about films. I prefer movies which are a challenge to understand (like “Memento”), also that films which tell a true story (“Dallas Buyers Club”) and the most important, films that make me laugh.

I don’t have any favourite director or actor, although I admire Quentin Tarantino as a director, and Clint Eastwood as a director and as an actor too.

My favourite film by a long time has been “Finding Nemo”. I know, it’s a little embarrassing, because I’m a young woman talking about an animated movie. But Nemo has all! There’s action (a hard travel trough the ocean), good persons (or fishes in this case), great characters (I really love Dory) and a happy ending (I don’t tell you a spoiler).

I expect to second part. It’s named “Finding Dory” and will be release at 2016. I can’t imagine what will occur! Dory is my favourite character all over the films. She is a Royal Blue Tang fish and she forgets all new memories (a kind of amnesia). She sings all the time and keep in a good mood,  even when she was the lunch of a whale. Here are the best scenes of Dory! Prepare yourselves to a lot of laugh!

(and here is in Spanish)

Saturday 24 May 2014

Post 6: If people really wanted ethically produced products, they would already be buying them.

First, I need to clarify the concept “ethically produced”.  I understand that it contains two principal aspects: (1) environmental sustainability, like fewer agrochemicals products; (2) social sustainability, such as fairtrade products. Then, an ethically production could contribute to build a better society.

Why wouldn’t a person want to buy a better product? There’s several answers. Generally, these products are more expensive than common food. Indeed, upper class families consume organic products, because they have money to buy it.

Another reason is low availability of natural food on markets. Nowadays, if you do not put a product on the people’s nose, they will not see it. Overall, habit lead the preferences of a consumer. Although, I think the habit can be change. For example, there’s an ecological conscience, and it is growing around the entire world. The Climate Change contributes to a more sustainable life, because people understand how we can damage the planet.

Therefore, ethically produced products is a way to save the planet. Now these products are a little contribution, compared to traditional food. However, I think it will grow, joined to an ecological conscience. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

Post 5: My favourite photograph

Hello everyone! This week, I have to write about my favorite photograph. I was looking through my photos on Facebook, and I found this. It was taken at Cajón del Maipo, during the celebration of my birthday, this year.

My best friends and I went camping to Cajón del Maipo, and stay all the weekend. They never went camping before, so I was afraid about what could happen. The first activity was to assemble a really big tent. All our engineering skills joined and we successful! Then, I was the Fire Goddess, and I set fire a huge bonfire, to cook and to stay warm. Late, we started to drink and to eat. At night, some neighbours called our help, to fix the battery of their car. At the same time, two of my friends went to the bathroom. For this reason, the beef at the bonfire was alone, and a dog stole it. We were very angry and a little drunk, so we laughed a lot. At the end, the friendship prevailed, and we cooked a soup.

Now, we promised to come back, or go camping somewhere else. 

Saturday 10 May 2014

Post 4: Your favorite piece of technology

Ok, this post is related to technology. Sometimes, I feel inundated by all the piece of technology that are surrounding us. What happen when the electricity is shut off? Many objects can’t work. That’s why I prefer the power-independent objects, such as pieces with a battery, or a dynamo.

For example, I can’t ride my bicycle at night without my light; it works with the friction of my wheels, by a dynamo. So, my light doesn’t need a power supply. I really love it, is a creative and useful mechanism.

Another issue with technology is the lot of wires. But in these days, some things are wireless. The only wireless-thing I have is my mouse. It simplifies my life, but I’m left-handed, and it designed for right-handed. Then, it’s a little bit akward, but useful. Yeah, I hate you, right-handers of the world!