Thursday 15 May 2014

Post 5: My favourite photograph

Hello everyone! This week, I have to write about my favorite photograph. I was looking through my photos on Facebook, and I found this. It was taken at Cajón del Maipo, during the celebration of my birthday, this year.

My best friends and I went camping to Cajón del Maipo, and stay all the weekend. They never went camping before, so I was afraid about what could happen. The first activity was to assemble a really big tent. All our engineering skills joined and we successful! Then, I was the Fire Goddess, and I set fire a huge bonfire, to cook and to stay warm. Late, we started to drink and to eat. At night, some neighbours called our help, to fix the battery of their car. At the same time, two of my friends went to the bathroom. For this reason, the beef at the bonfire was alone, and a dog stole it. We were very angry and a little drunk, so we laughed a lot. At the end, the friendship prevailed, and we cooked a soup.

Now, we promised to come back, or go camping somewhere else. 


  1. It´s a very nice photo Mariana! You are really enjoying the moment. See you!

  2. Good history!

    PS: The last one!

  3. I'd really like your photo, and of course the funny story about it! See you :)

  4. hey mariana! you did a great jump
