Saturday 10 May 2014

Post 4: Your favorite piece of technology

Ok, this post is related to technology. Sometimes, I feel inundated by all the piece of technology that are surrounding us. What happen when the electricity is shut off? Many objects can’t work. That’s why I prefer the power-independent objects, such as pieces with a battery, or a dynamo.

For example, I can’t ride my bicycle at night without my light; it works with the friction of my wheels, by a dynamo. So, my light doesn’t need a power supply. I really love it, is a creative and useful mechanism.

Another issue with technology is the lot of wires. But in these days, some things are wireless. The only wireless-thing I have is my mouse. It simplifies my life, but I’m left-handed, and it designed for right-handed. Then, it’s a little bit akward, but useful. Yeah, I hate you, right-handers of the world!


  1. hello very interesting your appreciation I suppose many things today could operate without electricity therefore we would work to innovate and create many objects that work without electricity and use other sources of energy for daily life.

  2. Hi Mariana!

    I think you have a really cool opinion, The green energy will be the best choise for to do everything in the future. Dears!
