Wednesday 24 September 2014

Post 6: Trash management

Hi my dear bloggers! Today I’m going to write about trash. All of us generate a lot of waste every day, and we are irresponsable about it. In fact, most of people take a bag and put it in the street, and they has confidence on the trash-truck. Recently, when a service-trash’s strike occur in certain places of Santiago and Valparaíso, these cities collapsed.

Picture 1. Trash-strike in front of La Moneda. 
Photo by Rodrigo Bravo

The basic management of trash is separating, into metal, plastic, glass and organic. In this form, each material can decompose quickly, especially organic matter. Another management is re-use and create new stuff from recycled paper, metal and glass.

I always value trash-collectors, who select garbage like cardboard, cans of soda, and glass. Usually, this people are homeless or extremely poor and society sneer at them, because they do not have a formal job.

Picture 2. A trash-collector.

In Chile, some people use to separate trash, but they complain about the few trash bin available to maintain this divide. Always is easier wait for the trash-truck, and all the garbage will mix.

I think that the better way to improve our trash management is spare no effort to produce less waste every day. For example, rejecting plastic bags in the market, or buying less packed products. If society give up a portion of commodity instead of living unconsciously, then we will have a healthier planet. 

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