Wednesday 3 September 2014

Post 4: GMO

Hi everybody! Today’s topic is transgenics, or GMO (Genetic Modified Organism). In a few words, transgenics are any organism, like bacteria, fungus or plant, whom have an intervened genome by biotechnology. A classic example: new tomato variety is resistant to all known diseases, but it has a fish gene.

I’ve heard an argument pro-transgenics: we are getting ahead the evolution! But, where are the limits? Will a fish gene naturally incorporate to a tomato? I don’t think so. There are examples less dramatic: crops with higher yields, plants resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. In these cases, biotechnologists used to work within the same family, or specie, to change genome.

Inside the agriculture, transgenic appear like a hunger solution. This idea will be truth, if the world hunger are caused by low yields. In fact, humanity are rising yields with agronomic management, from ancient times. The world hunger will disappear with political and social changes, not genetics. The current food that we are producing, is enough to feeding the whole humanity. Although, in USA the edibles are wasting. In the meantime, child are suffering hunger pangs in Africa.

I’m against trangenics, if you are still doubt. I have another reason: we are giving our genetic heritage to a few enterprises. Imagine our future: people will have to pay royalty by seeds and plants, and these companies will manage what food will produce, where and when will sow. We are creating another mafia. 


  1. I agree with you mariana, I don't think that transgenic is the solution to hunger, I think this argument is a excuse to make tansgenic

  2. Yes the world hunger will disappear with social and political changes I agree with you on that, we have to many changes yet, but this could be a solution if we take it with the responsability that deserved.

  3. I agree with you when you said that the solution for world hunger is a social and political changes, but I also think that in the meanwhile are a lot of people dying waiting for that solution.
